¡Ya estornudando y tosiendo? ¡No estás solo! Enfrentando los desafíos de la salud en invierno: consejos para fortalecer tu sistema inmunológico.

Already sniffling and coughing? You’re not by yourself. At this time of year, from the kids returning to school until long after Christmas, it can seem like you’re riding an unending roller coaster of plagues and diseases. But fear not, there are steps you can take to strengthen your immune system and prevent being stuck with a mass of snotty tissues stuffed up your sleeve until spring. While getting the occasional lurgy may be unavoidable, it’s essential to address any seasonal health practices that may be undermining your body’s defenses.


First and foremost, it’s important not to be too hard on yourself. Taking time for yourself to relax and unwind is crucial for overall well-being. Whether it’s listening to a podcast, going for a swim, or reading a chapter of your favorite book, make sure to prioritize self-care. Make time for breaks, avoid overloading yourself with tasks, and try to find moments of happiness each day. Perhaps enjoy a cup of coffee uninterrupted or watch a few episodes of your favorite show on Disney+. Finding joy in small moments can have a significant impact on your overall health.

The current flu season is in full swing, and it’s vital to protect yourself by getting vaccinated. Flu vaccinations are available for free on the NHS for individuals aged 65 or older, pregnant women, those with chronic illnesses, residents of care facilities, and caregivers of individuals with compromised immune systems. If you do not qualify for a free vaccination, they can be purchased at pharmacies and supermarkets for a nominal fee. By taking this simple step, you can greatly reduce your risk of falling ill this season.

Excessive alcohol consumption can weaken your immune system and make it more difficult for your body to fight off viruses and diseases. Alcohol also disrupts sleep, which is essential for immune function. By reducing your alcohol intake, alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and taking breaks from drinking, you can improve your immune system’s ability to ward off illnesses.

Proper handwashing is crucial for preventing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Taking the time to wash your hands thoroughly with hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds can significantly reduce your risk of contracting illnesses. Remember the importance of hand hygiene, especially during cold and flu season, to protect yourself and those around you.

Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can impair white blood cell function and weaken your immune system. While it’s okay to indulge in treats occasionally, be sure to balance your diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. By eating a nutritious diet, you can support your immune system and reduce inflammation caused by sugar spikes.

Getting an adequate amount of sleep is essential for immune function. Lack of sleep can leave you vulnerable to illnesses and make it harder for your body to fight off infections. By practicing good sleep hygiene, such as avoiding screens before bed, keeping your room cool, and avoiding caffeine in the afternoon, you can improve your sleep quality and support your immune system.

Vitamin D deficiency is common in the winter months when sunlight exposure is limited. Vitamin D plays a key role in immune function, so it’s essential to ensure you’re getting enough through diet and supplements. Spending time outside and taking a daily multivitamin can help support your immune system during the winter months.

Physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system. Regular exercise promotes circulation, which helps immune cells travel throughout the body more efficiently. Additionally, exercise can lower inflammation and support immune cell function. Even simple activities like dancing in the kitchen or practicing yoga at home can have a positive impact on your immune system.

By taking these steps to support your immune system and address any habits that may be undermining your health, you can reduce your risk of falling ill this season. Prioritizing self-care, healthy habits, and good hygiene can help you stay healthy and happy throughout the colder months. So take care of yourself, stay safe, and enjoy the winter season to the fullest.

Giulia Bianchi
Giulia Bianchi

Editrice presso InfoNTC dal 2024.


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