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It seems that individuals are not only filling their bellies with delicious Thanksgiving meals but also their virtual shopping carts with a plethora of goods this Black Friday.


As per Adobe Analytics, a leading authority in monitoring U.S. e-commerce data, it is forecasted that online sales on Black Friday will shatter previous records, expected to land between $10.7 billion and $11 billion in total revenue.

The data provided by Adobe shows that online shopping expenses have surged by more than 8% compared to last year’s figures as of Friday evening.

The unprecedented pace at which Black Friday sales are soaring follows the exceptional online shopping spree that occurred on Thanksgiving day. Reports from Adobe indicate that consumers splurged a record-breaking $6.1 billion online on Thanksgiving, marking a nearly 9% increase from the previous year.

So, what exactly are individuals splurging on this Black Friday? The surge in online spending can be attributed to the tantalizing discounts being offered across various product categories, cites Adobe. For instance, customers can snag toys at a whopping discount of over 27% from the retail price. In contrast to an average day in October, Black Friday transactions for toys have spiked by a whopping 178% so far.

Apart from toys, other hot-selling items this Black Friday consist of “Wicked” toys, Bluetooth speakers, TVs, patio heaters, air fryers, and cosmetics and skincare bundles.

Another notable trend is the escalating popularity of online shopping on handheld devices. As per Adobe, mobile devices have taken a lion’s share of over half of all online sales on Black Friday, accounting for a whopping 57.6% of the total sales. This marks a significant increase from the 55.5% recorded in the previous year.

The whirlwind of online shopping activity brings into focus the changing consumer preferences and shopping habits. The convenience and ease of online shopping, coupled with attractive discounts and deals, have transformed Black Friday into a major online shopping extravaganza.

The statistics point towards a digital shopping revolution where consumers are increasingly turning to online platforms to fulfill their shopping needs, especially during peak shopping events like Black Friday.

As the online shopping landscape continues to evolve and mature, it will be interesting to see how retailers adapt to these changing trends and cater to the diverse needs and preferences of the online shopping populace. The dynamics of online shopping are constantly evolving, and it remains crucial for businesses to stay abreast of these changes to thrive in the competitive digital marketplace.

Giulia Bianchi
Giulia Bianchi

Editrice presso InfoNTC dal 2024.


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