Samsung dice adiós a los modelos premium de la serie Galaxy: ¿Un nuevo comienzo?

Samsung has been a pioneer in mobile innovation since 2009, with its Galaxy brand becoming synonymous with cutting-edge technology. From the budget-friendly Galaxy A series to the revolutionary Galaxy Z Fold, Samsung has offered a diverse range of products under the Galaxy name. In an effort to enhance its luxury appeal, Samsung is now considering revisiting the “Galaxy” label for its premium devices. This strategic move could mark the beginning of a new and daring chapter for the tech giant.


Historically, Samsung’s mobile portfolio has been heavily focused on the “Galaxy” brand, encompassing both entry-level and premium smartphones. However, as the brand has evolved over the years, its product offerings have become more diverse and complex. Unlike Apple, which reserves its “iPhone” label for high-end devices, Samsung’s Galaxy brand now covers a wide spectrum of products, making it challenging for consumers to associate it with luxury.

During CES 2024, Samsung’s global marketing chief, Lee Young-hee, hinted at the possibility of introducing a “new name when there’s a major innovation.” This suggests that Samsung is contemplating a brand revamp, particularly to appeal to younger audiences who often perceive the iPhone as a symbol of luxury. In a competitive market where brand identity plays a crucial role in attracting consumers, Samsung may be looking to differentiate its high-end products through a new line of premium smartphones, tablets, PCs, wearables, and other connected devices.

Taking inspiration from other successful rebranding efforts, such as Hyundai’s introduction of the Genesis brand for its luxury vehicles, Samsung aims to enhance its premium appeal and image by exploring new branding possibilities. By creating a separate line of premium gadgets that is distinct from the Galaxy brand, Samsung hopes to attract discerning consumers who value exclusivity and sophistication.

The potential rebranding of Samsung’s luxury products signifies a new era for the company, where it seeks to establish a new identity and regain its premium status in the market. By moving away from the Galaxy moniker for its high-end devices, Samsung can position itself as a serious contender in the luxury segment, challenging competitors like Apple and Google’s Pixel. In an ever-evolving tech landscape, Samsung’s ability to adapt and innovate will determine its success in capturing the attention of tech-savvy consumers worldwide.

While this rebranding initiative represents a bold move for Samsung, the company must ensure that it modernizes its image without alienating its existing customer base. By leveraging its innovative spirit and creative prowess, Samsung can navigate this transition successfully and potentially solidify its position as a top choice for consumers looking for premium technology products in the coming decade. This ambitious decision might just be the catalyst Samsung needs to stay ahead of the curve and continue its legacy of excellence in the tech industry.

Giulia Bianchi
Giulia Bianchi

Editrice presso InfoNTC dal 2024.


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