Misterio en las alturas: Encuentran intruso en avión de Nueva York a París

A Delta Air Lines aircraft traveling from JFK Airport in New York to Paris made headlines on Tuesday night when a stowaway was discovered on board during the busy Thanksgiving holiday period. The stowaway, whose identity has not been revealed, was found after Delta Flight 264 landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris.


The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) confirmed that the stowaway managed to bypass the security screening process at JFK Airport. Despite going through security, the individual was able to board the plane without being detected. The TSA has stated that the stowaway did not possess any prohibited items and was not deemed a security threat.

It remains unclear how the stowaway was able to circumvent the document check podium and gate attendant at the airport. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been made aware of the incident and is likely to investigate further.

Additional details about the stowaway, including their intentions and background, have not been made public. The airline, Delta Air Lines, has initiated a thorough investigation into the incident and is working closely with authorities and other aviation stakeholders to understand what happened.

A passenger on the flight captured the moment when flight attendants informed passengers that they were awaiting the arrival of law enforcement to address the stowaway situation. The pilot announced over the intercom, “We are awaiting police arrival… They told us to keep everyone on the plane until they identify the additional passenger.”

Incidents of stowaways on commercial flights are rare but not unheard of. These individuals often risk their lives by hiding in the cargo holds or other confined spaces of aircraft in an attempt to reach their desired destination without proper documentation or authorization. The dangers of stowing away on a plane include hypothermia, lack of oxygen, and intense pressure changes during flight.

The discovery of a stowaway on a transatlantic flight from New York to Paris raises questions about the effectiveness of airport security measures and screening procedures. It also highlights the challenges faced by airlines and authorities in ensuring the safety and security of passengers and crew members on commercial flights.

In response to the incident, Delta Air Lines has pledged to review and enhance their security protocols to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The airline has emphasized the importance of collaboration with law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities to address any vulnerabilities in the aviation security system.

Passengers and crew members on board Delta Flight 264 were undoubtedly shocked and concerned upon learning about the presence of a stowaway on their flight. The situation was handled with professionalism and caution by the airline and authorities, ensuring the safety of everyone on board.

As the investigation into the stowaway incident continues, travelers are reminded to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity or individuals at airports and on flights. The safety and security of airline passengers and crew members are top priorities for airlines, airports, and regulatory agencies worldwide.

Giulia Bianchi
Giulia Bianchi

Editrice presso InfoNTC dal 2024.


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