La crisis del E. coli en McDonald’s demuestra por qué la contaminación de vegetales es un desafío mayor que la del ganado: Expertos advierten sobre la dificultad de regular la contaminación de productos agrícolas.

The complexity of produce contamination lies in the fact that it is not a matter of simply cooking the food to eliminate harmful pathogens, as is the case with beef. This poses a significant challenge for restaurants and fast-food chains, as they must rely on thorough washing, sanitization, and testing protocols to ensure the safety of their produce.


In response to the recent E. coli outbreak at McDonald’s, experts are calling for fast-food chains to modernize and harmonize their safety standards for produce. This includes implementing stricter measures for washing and sanitizing fruits and vegetables, as well as increasing testing procedures to detect contamination at lower levels.

The decision to temporarily remove fresh onions from menus at major U.S. fast-food chains highlights the severity of the situation. The identification of onions as the probable cause of the outbreak emphasizes the vulnerability of produce to contamination.

The E. coli outbreak at McDonald’s has raised concerns about the safety of produce in the food industry. With at least 75 individuals falling ill and one death reported, it is clear that more stringent regulations and safety measures are needed to protect consumers.

Although beef has historically been the focus of foodborne illness outbreaks, the case of Jack in the Box opened new burgers shifted the attention to produce contamination. The increased regulations regarding beef contamination have led to a decrease in outbreaks associated with cattle, but the same level of attention must now be given to produce safety.

Experts agree that produce is a much more challenging issue when it comes to food safety. The unique characteristics of fresh fruits and vegetables, including being uncooked and cultivated in outdoor environments, make them more vulnerable to contamination from wildlife and agricultural animals.

The presence of E. coli in animal intestines poses a significant risk to the safety of produce. While cattle are a common source of the pathogen, other animals such as geese, boars, and deer can also carry E. coli. This highlights the importance of implementing strict safety measures throughout the entire food supply chain.

In conclusion, the McDonald’s E. coli crisis serves as a wake-up call for the food industry to prioritize produce safety. The complexity of vegetable contamination compared to cattle highlights the need for modernization and harmonization of safety standards. By implementing stricter regulations and safety measures for produce, restaurants and fast-food chains can better protect consumers from future outbreaks and ensure the integrity of their products.

Giulia Bianchi
Giulia Bianchi

Editrice presso InfoNTC dal 2024.


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