Brotes de gripe aviar en humanos no detectados en Estados Unidos: preocupación y llamado a la acción urgente

The occurrence of human cases of bird flu that have gone undetected in the United States has raised concerns among healthcare professionals and researchers. According to recent studies, antibodies from the highly pathogenic avian flu strain H5N1 have been found in the blood samples of 7% of dairy workers in Michigan and Colorado. This discovery suggests that the virus may have already spread to humans, despite the lack of reported severe illnesses related to avian flu.


Although some individuals who tested positive for the virus antibodies did not experience any significant symptoms, researchers are wary of the virus’s potential to mutate into more dangerous variants. The current threat to public health is still considered to be low; however, the unchecked spread of the virus could lead to increased risks in the future.

In Cambodia, a hybrid strain of avian flu has caused the deaths of at least three patients. This strain, which has been transmitted from poultry, contains mutations that enable airborne transmission and infection of mammals. Fortunately, the outbreak in Cambodia has been contained, and there have been no cases of human-to-human transmission reported.

Recently, Canada reported its first human case of bird flu in an adolescent who is currently hospitalized in critical condition. The patient has a mutated strain of the virus that was identified in the US dairy cattle outbreak. Genetic sequencing has revealed a mutation in a gene that enhances the virus’s ability to infect humans. While this case appears to be isolated, it underscores the importance of monitoring and managing virus outbreaks effectively.

The CDC has been closely monitoring the situation in the United States, where the highly virulent avian flu has affected over 400 dairy herds and poultry outbreaks. Researchers stress the need for strict surveillance and outbreak management to prevent further spread of the virus.

According to CDC health scientist Alexandra Mellis, individuals who reported symptoms of avian flu were primarily involved in milking cows or cleaning milking parlors. Symptoms included fever, sore throat, congestion, diarrhea, migraines, and eye irritation. It was noted that many workers did not use the recommended personal protective equipment when working with infected animals, highlighting the importance of implementing proper infection prevention measures.

Enhanced outreach to employers and employees regarding infection risks associated with working with infected animals is crucial, especially for Spanish-speaking workers in the dairy industry. Researchers emphasize the importance of culturally appropriate outreach and the use of personal protective equipment to prevent the spread of avian flu.

Global authorities are urging individuals to report sick or deceased birds and to practice good hygiene when interacting with animals. In the United States alone, over 90 million domestic birds have been culled due to the highly virulent avian flu since 2022. A vaccination program has been implemented to protect critically endangered species like the California condor, but additional species may require assistance in the future.

Efforts are being made to develop a human vaccine for avian flu, as researchers continue to monitor emerging strains and work towards preventing further outbreaks. Close surveillance, effective communication, and proper infection prevention measures are crucial in combating the spread of avian flu and protecting public health.

Giulia Bianchi
Giulia Bianchi

Editrice presso InfoNTC dal 2024.


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